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Equipment Introduction

  •  Brine is an antifreeze that is a heat-carrying medium that is cooled by refrigerant through an evaporator and transmits  a freezing  effect to the object to be cooled.

  • With the refrigeration system using such a brine system, the degree of cooling of the object to be cooled according to the concentration of brine used as a secondary coolant can be identified in real time, and accordingly, freezing performance measurement experiments can be conducted.

  • This equipment is designed to standardize, miniaturize, and set up the complex, large-scale, and concealed ice shaft refrigeration devices and automatic control operation panels for easy access for experimental practitioners.

  • Students can improve your practical skills by integrating experiments required to configure ice shaft refrigeration devices, designing and configuring automatic control circuits required for practice and operation.

Equipment Characteristics

  • It is an equipment that can compare the degree of cooling according to the brine concentration through heat exchange experiments between the evaporator cooling coil and the brine.

  • Heat Exchange Experiment of Brine and Coolant

  • An Experiment and Analysis of the Operation Initial Load Characteristics of Ice Storage Refrigeration System

  • Experiment on the change of load and the temperature of the brine and evaporator according to the operation time of the ice storage refrigeration system

  • An Experiment on the Characteristics of Water Ice Making and Sea Ice

  • Comparative experiment of heat capacity by brine type

  • A Comparative Experiment on Ice Storage Capacity by Ice Ball Type

  • Can be wired to actual electrical components for realise

Education Contents

  1.  Experimental practice of configuring c contact circuit using relay (Ry)

  2.  Experimental practice of configuring a and b contact circuit using an electronic contactor (MC)

  3.  Operation of stop-priority magnetic retention circuit configuration brine refrigeration machine

  4.  Configuring and operating the temperature switch low temperature control adjustment circuit

  5.  Pressure switch Low Pressure Control Low Pressure Control (LPS) Adjustment Circuit Configuration Operation

  6.  Manual control circuit configuration operation of the brine (ice shaft) refrigeration system

  7.  Configuration operation of the temperature automatic control circuit of the brine (ice shaft) refrigeration system

  8.  Configuration operation of the pump down control circuit of the brine (ice shaft) refrigeration system

  9.  Operation of the forced pump down control circuit configuration of the ice shaft refrigeration system

Mechanical Refrigeration Device Component

6000BR-기계장치-세부내용 -Eng.jpg

Control Panel Device Component


Dual Pressure Switch

DPS- Eng.jpg

Structure of DA100 Program

Application of Data Acquisition Equipment

◈ How to utilize the Moliere (P-h) leading automatic writing program   

  1. Select the relevant refrigeration cycle from the Select cycle type.

    •   One stage cycle: 1-speed refrigeration cycle

    •   Two-stage cycle: Two-stage expansion refrigeration cycle

  2.  Evaporating Temperature: Enter the evaporation temperature or evaporation pressure during operation.

  3.  Condensing Temperature: Enter condensation temperature or condensation pressure during operation.

  4.  Superheat: Input the super heating temperature of the refrigerant from the evaporator outlet side to the compressor inlet side.

  5.  Subcooling: Enter the temperature of subcooling from the condenser outlet point (or saturation liquid line on the p-h line)  to just before the expansion valve.

  6. DP Evaporator: Enter the pressure difference (or temperature difference) between the expansion valve outlet point (or the evaporator inlet point) and the evaporator outlet point.

  7. DP Condenser: Enter the pressure or temperature difference from the condenser inlet point to the expansion valve inlet point.

  8. DP Conduction line : Enter the pressure or temperature difference from the evaporator outlet point to the compressor inlet point.

  9. DP Liquid line: Enter the pressure or temperature difference after adiabatic expansion at the inlet point of the expansion valve.

  10. DP Discharge line : Enter the pressure or temperature difference from the compressor outlet point to the condenser inlet point.

P-h diagram 


Drawing each P-h diagram as each refrigerant 

  1.  Condition

    • 1) Evaporating temperature : -15℃

    • 2) Condensing temperature : 30℃

    • 3) Temperature at inlet of compressor: -15℃(Dry gas)

    • 4) Temperature at inlet of expansion valve: -25℃(sub-cooling temp. 5℃)

  2.  Formula

    • 1) Refrigeration ability (Qe) = ha ― he

    • 2) Compressor work (W) = hb ― ha

    • 3) Condensing load (Qc) = hb ― he = Qe + W

    • 4) Coefficient of performance (COP) = Qe/W

    • 5) Compression Ratio (Pr) = P2/P1

  3.  Comparing each Coefficient of performance as each refrigerant

Video Clips for Product Usage

Video Introduction to Refrigeration.png

Introduction to Refrigeration & HVAC System and Education Curriculum

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